Social Media Marketing / Graphic Design / Brand Marketing / Content Creation

Over Everything

Let's Talk About Menu (design)

Every restaurant has a menu. Some are better than others and they can range in size from miniscule to Cheesecake Factory. If you have ever been to The Cheesecake Factory, then you know what I am talking about. Regardless of their size, menus serve an important purpose. They are designed to entice and excite. Some menus do a remarkable job (see photo above), and others really drop the ball. As soon as I sat down at Table in Asheville, I knew I was in for a treat.


I love dining out. I have so much fun doing research and figuring out the best local eats. Once I decide upon a spot – I literally can’t wait to taste everything! For me, nothing beats the anticipation of waiting for something delicious to arrive to your table. Whether it be a unique craft cocktail, or a decadent cheese platter, I love it all! Trying new things and getting out of your comfort zones are a must when traveling. It is easy to stick to what you know but, what’s the fun in that?

What sets a good menu apart from a bad menu? Well, my first instinct is to tell you to avoid places that feature photos on their menus – that is rule number one. Secondly, if an establishment takes pride in presenting a cohesive brand identity with colors, patterns, or themes present throughout their concept – then it is safe to assume that generous thought and consideration were put into the menu. However, if you arrive to a spot with a terribly designed menu (you could be lucky and you could be at a hole-in-the-wall type gem), OR you could be somewhere completely unworthy of your taste buds and time. The ratio of great restaurants to average is significantly in favor of the latter.

 I have found there to be a direct correlation between menu design and caliber of food and beverage. This of course is up for discussion but, in my experience this notion has rung true. Oh, and if they are giving out free samples – just keep walking.


Bottom line: Good menu = good food (probably).  

Courtney Wilkins