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Over Everything

Paris et moi

I always fantasized about Paris. I have been a Francophile, since I can remember. I loved the city of lights before I had even left the confines of my small beach town. I knew the language was beautiful, the food was decadent, and the streets were rich with history. So, I made the illogical decision to enroll in French language studies in eighth grade. This was certainly the required language route less traveled, as virtually no one in Florida speaks French. Most of my peers enrolled in Spanish. These students made the practical and logical decision as 20% of Floridians habla Español.  


Once I began learning the subtle details of the language and the country it derived from, there was no turning back. I loved the lilting pronunciations, the elegant transitions, and most of all the way speaking it made me feel. I never imagined that I would become a traveler and use these language skills in their actual birthplace. I continued my French studies through my senior year of college. I often struggled with verb conjugations but, I never faltered in phonetics. I could convince anyone of my prowess by dutifully utilizing only the past and present tense and expertly avoiding the more difficult conditionals. 


During my junior year of college, I visited the study abroad office. I learned that I could study French for college credits IN PARIS. There was no way that I was going to let this opportunity slip away. I begged and pleaded my parents to no avail. It was too expensive and completely unrelated to my degree. After failing in convincing my parents, I went to a higher source – the grandparents. Thankfully, my grandparents spent their lives traveling and insisted that I gain this experience. They helped convince my parents and all systems were a go! 


I was accepted to the American Institute of Foreign Study (AIFS) in April of 2012. I was set to start my journey that August. I couldn’t believe it was actually happening. I was going to Paris. My excitement knew no bounds. 


When I finally reached the city, that I had been dreaming of for eight years I was at a loss for words. My eyes filled with tears when I first glanced at the Tour Eiffel. She was so much more majestic in person. Every day spent in Paris, was a new adventure. I lived in the seventh arrondisement with a view of the tower from my metro stop. Every commute to my courses brought joy. I was living in the best city in the world. I made lifelong friendships and explored a part of the world that I never thought possible. This experience changed the entire fiber of my being. I went from being clueless ignorant, and unaware to awe-struck and inquisitive. When I had to return home at the end of the semester, I was 15 pounds heavier (thanks to a daily croissant habit) and filled with new ideas for my future. I finished my undergraduate degree with absolutely no intention of a career in politics. I knew there was something bigger out there for me, and I just had to find it. To this day, Paris remains my favorite city in the world. It is full of wonder, excitement, history, culture, and life. It truly is a remarkable place, and I cherish every moment that I have spent there.

Courtney Wilkins